Briefly about «Adidas-Ukraine»
Today «Adidas» is the undisputed leader in the sporting goods market in Ukraine and CIS.

Briefly about «1+1» TV channel
«1+1» is a national Ukrainian-channel, one of the leaders of domestic TV production and one of the most popular TV among the Ukrainian audience.

Briefly about «Oriflame»
«Oriflame» company was founded in 1967 by two brothers Jochnick and their friend, today is an international cosmetic concern, which has offices in 62 countries.

Briefly about «Shell»
Founded at the beginning of the XX century Shell group has won a leading position in the global energy market, becoming the prototype of the modern vertically integrated companies.

Briefly about «American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine»
American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (Chamber) is one of the most active and powerful public business organizations operating in Ukraine.

Briefly about «Ukrainian Bank for Reconstruction and Development»
99,99% part in the bank funds is owned by the State innovation financial-credit institution in Ukraine, which in turn is attributed to the State Agency of Ukraine for Investments and Innovations.

Briefly about «Ukrkosmos»
The State Enterprise "Ukrkosmos" was founded in September 1996 by order of the National Space Agency of Ukraine.

Briefly about «Nokia»
Nokia may produce as mobile terminals (business groups Mobile Phones, Multimedia and Enterprise Solutions), as well as equipment for mobile and fixed communication (a division of Networks).

Briefly about «Gillette Ukraine LLC»
The company Gillette Ukraine LLC — representative of Gillette brand in Ukraine. Gillette — the world's leading manufacturer of tools, gels and foams for shaving, as well as all kinds of skin care products.

Briefly about «» is a network of specialized hypermarkets of modern electronics.

Briefly about "Avon Cosmetics Ukraine"
The company was founded by David McConnell in 1886 with the first release in the sale of perfume set Little Dot Perfume Set. Since then, AVON has come a long way. Today it is the largest company in the world that has become so famous because of the organization and development of a system of direct sales.

Briefly about METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine
The company opened its first store in Kiev in 2003. Since then, the company has invested over 550 million euros in its development in Ukraine. Now METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine operates 31 shopping centers in 22 cities: 27 of them are classic METRO shopping centers and 4 are of a smaller format METRO Bases.

Briefly about "Procter & Gamble Ukraine LLS"
For almost 170 years, Procter & Gamble is offering its high-quality products to customers worldwide. Today, more than 300 brands Procter & Gamble is sold in 140 countries. In Ukraine, "Procter & Gamble" market more than 60 brands: Ariel, Tide, Pantene Pro-V, Pampers, Always, Tampax, Blend-a - med, Wella, Londa and many others.

Briefly on the "Group of Companies FOZZY GROUP»
One of the largest commercial and industrial groups in Ukraine, one of the leading Ukrainian retailers of more than 600 outlets throughout the country since 1997.

Briefly about "Farmak ™»
"Farmak" is one of the largest manufacturers of medicines in Ukraine. Today's product portfolio includes more than 200 drugs of different therapeutic areas and dosage forms.

Briefly on the "Raiffeisen Bank Aval"
The Bank is registered in 1992, and in 2005 became part of the bank holding group Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG, Austria. By the end of 2014 the Group had RBI 96.44% stake in Ukrainian bank includes 671 branches throughout Ukraine.

Briefly about the "Institute of Oil Transportation»
PJSC "Institute of Oil Transportation" - one of the largest in Ukraine and the CIS for the design, consulting and engineering support facilities of transport, handling, storage and distribution of oil and its products.

Briefly about "Kyivvodocanal"
From 1872 traditionally begins Kievvodokanala stories. In 2010, the Open Joint Stock Company "Joint Stock Company" Kyivvodocanal reorganized into a public joint stock company "Joint-stock company" Kyivvodocanal".

Briefly on the "Factory 410 of Civil Aviation"
The State Enterprise "PLANT 410 CA" is a powerful aircraft repair company - one of the leading post-Soviet space, to date, overhauled more than 6,000 aircraft and 40,000 aircraft engines, having a reputation as a stable and reliable partner.

Briefly about «ZAGORYE»
Since 1991, the "Zagorje" in the tourist market has received recognition Ukrainian and international travel agencies and clubs. In 1997, "Zagorje" recognized as the best agency of Ukraine on sales tickets AIR FRANCE. In 2000 - the company enters into Gold Club Amadeus ("ten" top Ukrainian airline agencies). Since 2002, the "Zagorje" - designated agent EMIRATES sales tickets Ukraine. From 2006 to the present time "Zagorje" mark-winning Ukrainian colleagues.

Briefly on "Independence Іnstitut of Forensic examination"
Conducts expertise not only in Ukraine but also in other European countries each year expands its geography. Through a partnership with the International Centre for forensic examination under the European Arbitration Chamber (Brussels, Belgium) NISE attracts not only the best domestic and foreign forensic experts specializing in various fields.

Briefly about "Branch of "Sohnut - Ukraina"»
The purpose of the Branch is to provide assistance and assistance to the Jewish population of Ukraine in the revival of culture and traditions.

Briefly about "Department Ukraine"
TC Ukraine - one of the best shopping centers of the city. Its favorable position in the structure of Kiev he had inherited from the old Soviet department store. Department Ukraine, built in 1967 - a good example of the reconstruction of the building of the Soviet period.

Briefly about "Supermash"
The company "Supermash" started its activities in 1991 was one of the pioneers of cosmetic production in the independent Ukraine. During the 23 years of undisputed leadership among Ukrainian manufacturers of cosmetics company has gained a strong position in the market. The dealer network of "Supermash" counts more than 100 companies in the Ukraine, the CIS and Baltic countries.

Briefly on "The Armenian community of Kiev"
"The Armenian community of Kiev" - a public organization uniting Armenians and Armenian culture indifferent to the residents of Kiev and Kiev region. Officially, the organization was registered in 1994 under the name "Kiev Armenian society."

Briefly about «BigMedia»
BigMedia - the largest sales house of the outdoor advertising in Ukraine and is part of the largest in Ukraine holding BigBoard / JCDecaux since 2005. It provides a full range of services for the implementation of advertising campaigns in outdoor advertising.

Briefly on the "Council of Veterans Kyivenergo"
Public organization "Council of Veterans Kyivenergo" carries out charitable activities on the territory of Kiev, designed to fully support the unprotected segments of the population, pensioners, invalids and veterans of Kiev.

Briefly about "Kiev children's clinical hospital №7»
Kiev children's clinical hospital №7 was opened in January 2006 in the city of Kiev, is operating safely and accepts children from birth to adulthood. At the hospital work as pediatricians and specialized professionals. It is possible to pass the general and specialized tests that will appoint doctors.

Briefly on "New Standard of Business Travel"
On the first day of its activity the company represents the interests of Messe Berlin exhibition grounds in Ukraine. "The new standard of business travel," was one of the first to work in the field of MICE (M - Meetings, I - Incentives, C - Conferences, E - Events & exhibition).

Briefly about "PPO Darnitsa signaling and communication"
Separated subdivision Darnitskaya signaling and communication of State territorial and sectoral unification "Southwestern Railway."

Briefly about "Medvestsnab - FarsiPharm ™»
Brand FarsiPharm ™ products is the concern of pharmaceutical factories in Iran. The priority of the group is to provide high quality of the drugs.

Briefly about "Gloria™»
"Gloria Consulting Group" - event agency 14 years of experience in event-driven market of Ukraine, more than 700 successfully organized events "turnkey", 14 countries in which the events were organized, more than 72 000 people evaluated the quality of Gloria. According to the survey rezulate resource Eventstrends company recognized as the most recognizable event-agency of Ukraine.

Briefly about "Wedding Agency Cream Brule"
Creme brulee - a wedding organizer.

Briefly about "PPO branch of" Plant "Energy" Kyivenergo ""
PPO, a branch of "Plant" Energy "Kyivenergo" - one of the branches of JSC "Kyivenergo." Now the plant "Energy" - the only regularly functioning the incinerator in Kiev.

Briefly about "International Association of Environmental Medicine"
Medical analyzes and diagnostics. Treatment courses: rehabilitation treatment, anti-relapse treatment, "woman's health". Reception of specialists of various profiles.

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